Key Stage 1 & 2
Key Stages 1 and 2
The rationale for the majority of learners at KS1 and 2 is to support and prepare them for a successful reintegration back in to mainstream school. For some learners it will be supporting a successful application for an Education Healthcare Plan. For others, it will be a positive transition to a specialist provision.
The curriculum model therefore is a twin track holistic and academic approach.
12-Week Programmes
These programmes are for children who have been identified as needing an intense package of work to improve behaviours in school. Learners work in small groups of 3-6, taught by the team of primary teachers and practitioners. They follow a nurture-based approach, which sits alongside the teaching of emotional regulation skills, for which we base our teaching on the ‘Zones of Regulation’ curriculum.
The main aims of these interventions are tailored to each group but include the following:
- Developing positive feelings about ‘school’ and ‘learning’.
- Developing positive relationships with school staff and peers.
- Naming and identifying feelings in myself and others.
- Learning coping strategies for different emotions.
- Developing confidence and boosting self-esteem.
- Developing resilience and perseverance.
- Improving communication skills.
- Developing social skills.
In order to teach the above skills, children are taught a broad and balanced curriculum, including literacy, maths, art, and cooking activities. In addition, guided and supported play is carefully timetabled into every session. Meal times or break times are included but are used as learning opportunities.
All learners at Key Stage 2 undertake Learning Outside the Classroom LOtC which gives them opportunities for developing their leadership skills, team building, communication, confidence, self-esteem, independence, and decision and choice making.
Depending on the individual needs of each learner, they may attend school alongside this programme of work.
Extended Programme
The extended provision is for learners who, during the 12-week programme, are identified as needing longer than a term to address ingrained maladaptive behaviour and reengage with education.
This may involve changing group size or dynamic and doing some 1:1 work. The curriculum is bespoke to each child in order to help get them ready to move on as soon as possible.
Learners may also be involved in Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC).
Short term Provision for children in-between schools
Occasionally, in agreement with either the SEND or school placement teams we take learners for short periods of time when they are in between schools. These might be:
- Learners who are awaiting a place at a new school - mainstream or specialist.
- Learners who need settling-in time before entering a new school.
Learners are moved to 12-week programmes if and when it is appropriate.
Day 6 Provision
In the case where a child has been permanently excluded from their school we will undertake their educational provision until the date of the Governors Disciplinary Hearing.
We will make arrangements to contact the family and map out a suitable plan according to the needs of the individual learner.
The programme prioritises helping the child come to terms with the exclusion and coping with feelings about it. We aim to boost their well-being so that they can start a new school with the best possible mind-set for success.